Options for Aluminium Windows for Your Home

New windows can add to your home's appeal, especially if they're expansive and let light stream inside. If you've decided to opt for aluminium designs, you'll have a range of options, as explained below. Custom or Off-The-Shelf You'll need to decide whether to install standard windows or have them custom made to your specific dimensions. Using pre-made windows will bring costs down, especially if they're fixed and don't open. Though, you could change the current window style to give your home a different look by swapping sliding for awning windows, for example. Read More 

Benefits of Glass Pool Balustrades

If you're researching pool fencing alternatives, you'll come across glass balustrades. You may not know a lot about these barriers and whether they work around a pool. To help you decide, consider the following benefits. Openness One of the major attributes of glass balustrades is that they create an open, expansive feel in the garden. As you can see through the transparent glass, the yard won't feel divided or sectioned off into different areas. Read More 

Benefits of a Glass Splashback in a Kitchen

If you're looking for a way to enhance your kitchen, why not consider a glass splashback installation? Here are several benefits. Brightness Glass is light-reflective, and once it covers the splashback area, it will brighten up the kitchen. The counter areas, in particular, will be better lit, allowing you to prepare food more easily. A better-illuminated kitchen will feel larger and more spacious, and you can save on energy bills as you may be able to reduce under-cabinet lighting as a result. Read More